
english version need typing:) 待補 蛋糕 開戶 健身環 蛋糕 吃了在忠孝復興,阿瑪迪斯的蛋糕,非常好吃,濃郁的蛋糕體、加了香橙的夾層,使厚重的黑巧克 力香而不膩,整個就是充滿著巧克力的味道,雖然很貴但十分值得 開戶 想了一陣子,很想開自己的證券戶頭,加上玉山在我們家附近,對它又有好感,是新行庫,且是眾人合資而非某個家族一手創建, 加上聽說十分好用的富果軟體也是綁玉山的戶頭,paypal收款也需要過玉山,所以對玉山一直有好感。 20歲了,慶祝一下自己的民法身分,於是辦了一個玉山戶頭。

November 6, 2021 · 1 min · honemik

arduino midi keyboard

english version need typing:) 小學的時候,因為家裡附近的大學(國立台北教育大學)有辦夏令營,所以參加了一個"科學魔法車"的營隊,也開啟我學習電子、資訊的一條不歸路。之後再來把我的這個過程補完好了。 最近因為alufai的計畫,想做一個屬於自己的遊戲的想法越來越強烈,而遊戲當中不只有繪畫、劇本、程式,更有音樂。聲音可說是跟畫面同等重要的元素之一了,軟體的部分,原先在沒有linux系統的情況下,經過一番研究,最終還是選擇了bandlab,但是在某個巧妙的情況下,我突然多了一台linux的筆電,所以也很開心地裝了kxstudio跟ardour,硬體的部分則想起了這個一直很想做的"自製電子琴"的計畫。也翻出了家裡以前的arduino。 既然要做成midi控制器,查詢了一下別人的計畫跟資料,發現有像是最基本的用pin腳輸出到MIDI的5pin孔,但是這樣還要過一個錄音介面,有點不方便阿,後來找一找發現有使用USB當作介面的方案:hiduino,後來又查一查,查到了USBMidiKlik,覺得很厲害,便決定以這個當作Arduino如何輸出的方式。 從頭開始解釋的話,就是arduino uno上實際有兩個晶片,一個是 https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/BuiltInExamples/ArduinoISP https://github.com/TheKikGen/USBMidiKliK https://forum.arduino.cc/t/usbmidiklik-dual-mode-usb-midi-converter-based-on-the-last-lufa-library/508255 https://welldoneblog.fedevel.com/2015/04/13/how-to-flash-arduino-bootloader-without-a-programmer/ https://forum.arduino.cc/t/arduino-uno-r3-dfu-mode/255808/8 https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/205055/using-avrdude-to-program-attiny-via-arduino-as-isp https://9bit.se/snippets/avrdude-upload-hex-file-to-the-m16u2-of-an-arduino-uno/ https://www.gammon.com.au/bootloader https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/libraries/midi-library/

October 17, 2021 · 1 min · honemik


有關健身 有關廚具 有關遊戲製作 劇本、設定、優先順序 遊戲機制,美術 有關手把 有關win11 有關小動畫 有關arduino shioyuuto

October 7, 2021 · 1 min · honemik

New keyboard

I bought the KBParadise V60 THE2. This is my first time using the 60% keyboard, also the first time using the switch which is not cherry. It’s gelaton clear, and it’s much softer and smoother than I thought. It is really like typing on a marchmallow, soft and smooth. 60% keyboard is also a new experience, the key mapping is werid with chinese IME. With english, 60% maping is really fun and nice. I could type whole essay without moving around. The only problem is the ...

September 6, 2021 · 1 min · honemik

Starting TMSCN

Recently read a lot of book written with R bookdown. After reading this, I want to write a good book/note about medicine study. There is a tradition in Taiwan, that we will write notes together. There are too many things to study the origin textbook and class. The students then found a way to conquer the exam, called ‘collaborative notes’. After so many years, we have small teams to decide the distribution and merge different team’s note. It sounds wonderful that you don’t need to study all the subjects, but only the part you get. You can then read the note other people made. However, there are a lot of problems IRL. Different school, of course, is independent. Even in the same department, there are always people who only want to taste the fruit without working hard. Therefore, I had a idea of a system that combine all the different resources into one book. ...

August 29, 2021 · 2 min · honemik